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Empowering bright young minds to unlock the power of computation to solve research problems at the frontier of modern biology.

The Pre-College Program in Computational Biology provides extensive training in both cutting-edge laboratory experiments to generate biological data and the computational analysis of the data that these experiments generate.
Computer science has revolutionized biology and medicine. Tomorrow's life scientists need deep knowledge of not only the laboratory techniques used for generating experimental data but also the rigorous computational techniques necessary to analyze and model these data. Pre-College Computational Biology offers an unparalleled experience for high school students to explore this relationship in a university setting.
Carnegie Mellon University is a leader in automated science, and as part of the experimental side of the program, students will get the chance to work in our automation lab. They will use robots to run experiments while learning how machine learning can be used in the design and execution of experiments.
On-campus: residential or commuter
Our work in the program focuses on answering big picture biological questions about the microbes living in Pittsburgh’s three rivers as well as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After sampling water from one of Pittsburgh’s three rivers, students will use modern laboratory techniques to isolate the bacterial DNA from the water and break the DNA strands into millions of tiny fragments that are then read. The question, then, is what to do with all this information? This is where computational biology flies to the rescue.
Our program is structured to allow students to appreciate the inherent synergy between experimentation and computational analysis in modern biology. We will spend approximately half of each day of the program following a hackathon model, in which students will work in small groups to write programs solving computational problems, with hands-on guidance from the instructor and teaching assistants. Students will spend the other half of each day in the laboratory, conducting experiments to generate large datasets to be analyzed with student code.
Final projects at the close of the program allow students to present their work to peers, parents, guardians, and other guests.
Programming Preparatory Materials
Preparatory materials will be provided to admitted students in advance of the program to provide fundamental programming skills.
IMPORTANT: Admitted students will be required to complete some assignments taken from this project before starting the program.
To be eligible for Pre-College Computational Biology students must:
- Be at least 16 years old by the program start date.
- Be a current sophomore or junior in high school at the time of application submission. (Please note: talented sophomores are encouraged to apply, however, most of our admitted students will be juniors.)
- Have an academic average of B (3.0/4.0) or better.
The complete application for Pre-College Computational Biology consists of the following:
- Completed online application
- Unofficial transcript
- Standardized test scores (optional) - Standardized tests are not required. We assess applicants holistically and take into consideration many factors, including quantitative background and skill. One way in which this skill can be demonstrated is through optional submission of PSAT, SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Test scores and/or by mathematics coursework.
- One letter of recommendation
- Responses to essay prompts (included in the application)
Application deadlines:
Early Decision & International - February 1, 2025
Regular Decision & Scholarship - March 1, 2025
The cost includes:
• Tuition for college-level classes taught by accomplished Carnegie Mellon University faculty.
• Housing on a vibrant and welcoming college campus. Residential students only.
• Dining Services that offer diverse eating options that emphasize health, wellness, and delicious food! Dining options include (but not limited to) vegan, vegetarian, kosher, and Halal.
• University fees for the use of the campus health center, fitness center, library, Student Success Center, and so much more!
• Transportation Pass to attend an organized program or extra-curricular events.
Additional Fees:
• Application Fee - $50
• Enrollment Deposit - $800
Application Fee and Enrollment Deposit are non-refundable.
Financial Aid
Full scholarships covering tuition, housing, and dining are available to students demonstrating financial need. You can elect to be considered for a scholarship within the online application.
Please note: International students are not eligible for scholarship consideration.
Scholarship Eligibility
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Be available to attend the entirety of the program
- Demonstrate financial need
Financial Need
Students in any of the below categories are considered to demonstrate financial need:
• Students who have received or are eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver.
• Students who are enrolled in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program (FRPL).
• Students whose family income falls within or near the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
• Students who are enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g. TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
• Students whose family receives public assistance.
• Students who live in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home, or are homeless.
• Students who are a ward of the state or an orphan.
• Students who can provide a supporting statement from a school official, college access counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader.
Documentation of financial need is required to be considered for scholarship opportunities in all available programs.
Documentation required includes tax documents or a completed NACAC Application Fee Waiver signed by your high school guidance department.

Application is closed
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