Application is closed
Our 1-Week, 2-Week, and 3-Week Academies take you on an accelerated, hands-on learning experience. You'll examine a single subject area through collaborative exercises and simulations, group discussions, presentations from industry leaders, and field trips to some of D.C.’s top institutions.

Take an in-depth look at a topic of interest and get a glimpse into the college experience through these accelerated programs.
1-Week Academies:
American Politics Academy
Artificial Intelligence Academy
Creative Writing Academy
International Relations Academy
Law Academy
1-Week Medical Academy
National Security & Intelligence Academy
U.S. Campaigns & Elections Academy
Washington & the World Academy
2-Week Academies
Biotechnology for Science & Health Academy
Entrepreneurship Academy
Forensic Science Academy
Pathways to Social Justice Academy
Sports Industry Management Academy
3-Week Academies
Business Academy
Economics Policy Academy
Foreign Policy Academy
3-Week Medical Academy
In-Person classes (residential housing available). Academy, you'll attend academic programming between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. during the weekdays, which will include lectures, guest speakers, hands-on activities, group discussions, and off-site visits. At the end of the day, you'll have opportunities to participate in optional cocurricular events, free time, and residential living activities until curfew.
As a student in the Georgetown Summer Academy, you'll spend your day immersed in a blend of lectures, activities, and group discussions. At Georgetown, the summer experience expands far beyond the classroom walls. Our Summer High School Programs are designed to reflect the college experience, and as such, we offer our students optional activities to enjoy during their free time.
Outside of class, you can choose from a wide range of daily activities to participate in, or opt for unstructured time where you can venture out and explore the city or stay in and catch up on your summer reading.
Regardless of how you choose to spend your free time, we’ll always have a variety of planned activities to give you the freedom to make each day different—and tailored to fit your interests.
Events & Activities
While many of our activities and events are open to all Summer High School students, some of our offerings (such as our off-site trips) are only available to students participating in the two-, three-, and five-week programs. If you are in a two-, three-, or five-week program and have decided to commute daily to Georgetown, you’ll still have the same access to student life activities as residential students. Activities are subject to vary from year to year.
Mini Courses
Looking to get even more out of your Georgetown experience? Sign up for a Mini Course! Available to any interested high school students, no need to apply. Mini Courses are designed to give you a taste of Georgetown and a leg up as you prepare for college and beyond.
SAT/ACT Mini Course
This course will introduce you to test-taking techniques, time-management strategies, and critical reading methods that are central to mastering the SAT and ACT tests. You’ll complete a full-length diagnostic SAT or ACT test, after which you’ll receive an individualized, comprehensive analysis of your results.
College Essay-Writing Mini Course
This course will expose you to the organization, content, and grammar that make for successful college essays. You’ll have the opportunity to review sample essays, brainstorm ideas for topics, develop a comprehensive outline, and write a complete college personal statement essay.
To apply to the Summer Programs for High School Students, you must meet the following criteria:
1 - Be a current or rising high school freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior during the academic year prior to your summer program.
2 - Show evidence of good academic standing, with at least a 2.0 GPA
For the following Non-Credit Academies, students must be at least 15 years old by the date of check-in (no exceptions):
1-Week Medical Academy
3-Week Medical Academy - Anatomy & Physiology track*
Biotechnology for Science & Health
*Please Note: This restriction only applies to Anatomy & Physiology and Neuroscience tracks. The Emergency Medicine track does not have an age restriction.
Steps to Complete Your Application:
1 - 300- to 500-word personal statement.
Write a 300- to 500-word personal statement describing why you want to attend the Summer High School Programs at Georgetown University. Your completed essay should be uploaded to your online application prior to submission.
2 - Completed School Official Reviewer Form.
Provide the contact information of your current high school counselor (preferred), teacher, or principal who will be able to speak to your overall academic readiness for the program and can verify your current GPA. Upon submitting your application, your chosen point of contact will receive an automatic email request with instructions for completing the form.
If you are an eligible homeschooled student applying to the Summer High School Programs, your School Official Reviewer Form may not come from a family member or paid tutor; the form must come from a teacher or another person who can speak to your academic abilities and capacity to thrive in a college environment.
3 - International Student Requirements:
International students participating in the Academies and College Prep Program are not required to obtain a visa or submit TOEFL scores.
4 - Application fee (non-refundable): $50 (if submitted after January 31).
Early Bird Deadline: January 31
For all applications submitted by this date, the app fee will be waived.
Final Deadline: May 15
Applications will not be reviewed after this date.
Tuition & Fees
Application fee (non-refundable): $50
Fee is waived for all applications received by the Early Bird Deadline: January 31
1-Week Academies
Residential (includes housing and meals): $3,225
Commuter: $2,500
Health insurance fee (international students only): $40
2-Week Academies
Residential (includes housing and meals): $5,500
Commuter: $3,835
Health insurance fee (international students only): $80
3-Week Academies
Residential (includes housing and meals): $6,950
Commuter: $5,250
Health insurance fee (international students only): $120
Meal plan (optional): Determined by plan selected, purchased directly from Georgetown Dining.
Financial Aid
A limited number of scholarship awards are available to students who demonstrate financial need. Only students who have been admitted to our summer programs (College Credit Course or Non-Credit Academies) are eligible to apply. Scholarship awards are strictly for tuition and do not apply to other fees.

Application is closed
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