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Experience what it's like to be a college student for 4 or 7 transformative weeks. Choose from over 200 college courses taught by world-class scholars while earning college credit.

Harvard Summer School’s Secondary School Program (SSP) is a 4- or 7-week academic program for motivated high school students ready to excel in academically rigorous college courses for college credit.
Within the SSP, you will choose between taking one 4-week course while living on campus, or our more flexible 7-week option that offers residential, online, or commuting formats with the potential for one or two courses.
Over the summer, you’ll gain the confidence to do well in college that comes from successfully navigating a healthy balance between advanced coursework, extracurricular activities, and new friends.
Program Options
Choose Between 4-Week and 7-Week
Harvard’s Secondary School Program offers a 4-week and a 7-week program.
The 7-week program has different formats in which you can attend:
- You can live on campus in 7-Week SSP Residential
- You can do the 7-Week program 100% online through SSP Online
- Or if you live close by, you can experience a summer studying at Harvard while still living at home and commuting to campus for courses and extracurricular activities.
The 4-Week program is entirely residential and courses are only offered on-campus.
The 4- and 7-Week SSP program each has its own unique courses to choose from, with over 200 college-credit courses offered in total. Each of these classes is a real college course, taught by Harvard faculty and distinguished visiting faculty.
Summer classes cover over 50 different topic areas, from the humanities to STEM and everything in between. Discover your talent for acting or creative writing. Explore how a topic of interest could translate into a future career. Discover a potential major such as computer science or psychology. Delve into a passion or subject not offered at your high school. Learn about current events shaping our world today.
Summer courses are intensive and most of them are small, offering an opportunity to engage with faculty and peers on topics of interest to you. The length of classes and number of days you will attend class depends on if you are taking 4-week or 7-week courses.
The Harvard Secondary School Program admissions committee is looking for mature, academically motivated students who are interested in experiencing what college is really like while exploring a potential major, future career, or topic they are passionate about.
To be eligible for Summer 2024, you must meet both of the following criteria:
- Will graduate from high school and enter college in 2024, 2025, or 2026.
- Are at least 16 years old by June 22, 2024, and will not turn 19 years old before July 31, 2024.
Please Note: Harvard Summer School is unable to sponsor F-1 student visa applications for the 4-week summer term.
Complete an online application and provide supplemental materials, including:
1 - The $75 nonrefundable application fee.
2 - Counselor report: You can request a link be sent to your counselor in the application.
3 - Transcripts from 9th grade to fall 2023 grades: This can include progress reports, report cards, and educational summaries from your high school.
4 - Rules and Media Release online form: We require a link be sent to your parent or legal guardian in the application.
5 - Review expectations for TOEFL and IELTS Academic tests (non-native English speakers only): Most successful Secondary School Program students score above 103 on the TOEFL, 7.0 or above on the IELTS, and 135 or above on Duolingo. Be sure to schedule your test early so it does not delay your application. You can also submit an interview and writing sample from InitialView to supplement your application, but these cannot replace a TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo score. We do not accept Cambridge English Exam or TOEFL iTP test scores.
6 - You are welcome to submit PSAT, SAT, or ACT test scores, but they are not required.
Early Application and Priority Financial Aid Deadline — January 10, 2024.
Regular Application and Financial Aid Deadline — February 14, 2024.
International Student Deadline (7-Week SSP Residential and Commuting Programs Only) – February 14, 2024.
Late Application Deadline — April 10, 2024.
The total cost of the Secondary School Program for Summer 2024 depends on the number of courses taken and which format. All applicants pay a non-refundable $75 application fee.
7-Week SSP Residential
The total program cost is $14,250. Cost includes tuition for 8 credits*, room and meal plan, and the program fee for the full seven weeks.
7-Week SSP Commuting and SSP Online
The total program cost is $3,900 (4-credits) to $7,600 (8-credits). Cost depends upon the number of credits taken and includes tuition and the program fee.
4-Week SSP Residential
The total program cost is $7,700. Cost includes tuition for 4-credits, room and meal plan, and the program fee, for the full four weeks.
Financial Aid
Scholarships are available to Secondary School Program students with excellent academic records who demonstrate financial need.
To be eligible:
- You must be a US citizen or permanent resident
- OR you must be granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status
- You must complete the applications and all other requirements on time

Application is closed
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