Application is closed
Each summer, 100 of the world's most accomplished high school students gather at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the Research Science Institute (RSI). RSI is the first cost-free to students, summer science & engineering program to combine on-campus course work in scientific theory with off-campus work in science and technology research.

Participants experience the entire research cycle from start to finish. They read the most current literature in their field, draft and execute a detailed research plan, and deliver conference-style oral and written reports on their findings.
RSI scholars first participate in a week of intensive STEM classes with accomplished professors. The heart of RSI is the five week research internship where students conduct individual projects under the tutelage of mentors who are experienced scientists and researchers. During the final week of RSI, students prepare written and oral presentations on their research projects.
On-campus, residential
RSI participants have exceptionally strong academic ability and background and are about to enter their last year of high school. Typically, this means students apply in the middle of their junior year (a.k.a. third year, or grade 11) of high school. High school seniors are not eligible to apply.
• The applicant's essay responses to the questions in the application. These should detail his or her goals in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.
• Recommendations by two teachers (Math/Science or a research supervisor) familiar with the candidate and the candidate's scholastic record. Applicants who have participated in a research project of 4 weeks or longer at a university or a laboratory should request a recommendation from the research supervisor. CEE will accept a maximum of 3 recommendation letters.
• The candidate's official high school transcript.
• All scores from nationwide standardized tests. These include the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and AP exams. Students planning to apply for RSI are strongly encouraged to take the PSAT.
It is recommended that PSAT Math Scores be at least 740 or higher and the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score be 700 or higher. ACT math scores should be at least 33 and verbal scores at least 34. Lower scores must be offset by strong indicators of mathematical, scientific, and academic potential exemplified in recommendations, high school grades, and science activities.
Applications for RSI 2023 are now closed. No late applications will be considered.
The program is cost-free.

Application is closed
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