PROMYS Pathways image
United States, Massachusetts, Boston
image Written Answers
image Work Sample
image 1 Recommendation
image Additional Requirements
image Online Application From
image Parent/Guardian Consent
Jul 03 — Jul 28
Price range
Need Help?
Learn more about the application process in the Blog or by scheduling a free consultation with the Summer Program adviser
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Key Facts

PROMYS Pathways provides students who are from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in STEM with deep mathematical experiences. PROMYS Pathways strives to create a welcoming environment where all students can thrive mathematically, especially students who might not otherwise have access to extracurricular mathematics opportunities.

Interest Areas:
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
High school grad
gap year
Other features:
image Non-credit
image Commuter
image Financial Aid

PROMYS Pathways was launched as PROMYS Math Circle in 2017, as part of enhanced efforts to reach out to mathematically talented students in Massachusetts, particularly those from low-income backgrounds and underrepresented in STEM.

Pathways provides a stimulating and supportive mathematical community for students to explore challenging mathematical problems. Under the guidance of mentors (PROMYS for Teachers alumni and graduate students in mathematics), students engage in weekly exploration-based math circles and attend special collaborative events throughout the school year. A 4-week day program, Pathways Summer Program, prepares students for rigorous programs such as PROMYS or for further study in college and careers in STEM.

Pathways Summer Program
In 2020, PROMYS launched a summer program in response to the need for more rigorous mathematical opportunities for low-income and underrepresented students. Each summer, about a dozen high school students join five or six mentors for 4-6 hours of collaborative problem solving each weekday. Students work on specially-designed problem sets that emphasize mathematical exploration.


Students must be able to commute to Boston University's campus. Lunch and public transportation costs will be provided.

Program Details

The 2023 Pathways Summer Program will run July 3–28, Monday – Friday, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm, on the campus of Boston University. The program is free to participants; lunch and local transportation costs will be provided.


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Pathways is open to students who:

- Attend high school in Massachusetts
- Are mathematically ambitious and excited about spending time on collaborative problem solving
- Might not otherwise have access to extracurricular mathematical opportunities
- Are from groups underrepresented in STEM (this includes students who are Black, Latinx, or Indigenous, female or nonbinary, or low-income; however, students of all identities will be considered)

Application Components
image Written Answers
image Work Sample
image 1 Recommendation
image Additional Requirements
image Online Application From
image Parent/Guardian Consent

There are four components to the application:

- application form which includes short answers
- letter of recommendation (PROMYS will contact your teacher)
- financial information form (PROMYS will contact your parent/guardian)
- your work on one interesting math problem to upload to your application form

To apply, you will be asked to upload your work on a math problem. Please choose one of the following options and have a file (.pdf, .jpeg, or .png) ready for upload before you start the application form:
- Your own problem – any math problem you found interesting
- One of the POW problems from our website (see Resources)
- The following problem: There are three glasses on the table: one that holds 3 oz., one that holds 5 oz., and one that holds 8 oz. The first two are empty, and the 8 oz. glass is full of water. By pouring water from one glass to another, measure out exactly 4 oz. of water. What other amounts of water can you measure out? Can you get 1 oz.? If you start with other sizes of glass (like 3, 5, and 10 oz.), can you still measure 4 oz.?



Please submit your application as soon as possible. Applications will be reviewed starting May 1, and continue until all spots are filled.

Tuition & Aid
PROMYS Pathways
image Jul 03 - Jul 28
image 4 weeks
commuter-icon Commuter

PROMYS Pathways is free for all participants, including lunch or snacks and local public transportation.

PROMYS Pathways image
United States, Massachusetts, Boston
image Written Answers
image Work Sample
image 1 Recommendation
image Additional Requirements
image Online Application From
image Parent/Guardian Consent
Jul 03 — Jul 28
Price range
Need Help?
Learn more about the application process in the Blog or by scheduling a free consultation with the Summer Program adviser
Speak with an adviser Learn more in the blog

Useful Resources