Application is closed
Build to prepare low-income 6th and 7th graders for an academically intensive high school, Stanford Middle School Scholars Program engages students in various topics including mathematics, academic writing, and study skills.

Scholars enroll in one of three two-week summer courses in July. From mid-August through March, scholars meet weekly in small cohorts led by Stanford Online High School instructors and staff, covering topics such as applying for independent (private) high schools, academic writing, time-management, math enrichment, and study skills.
Summer Course List:
Reading, Writing, and the Human Condition
In this class we’ll read complex works of fiction (All Systems Red by Martha Wells) and nonfiction (James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time.) Both these works explore questions of justice, identity, and how to live in the world. We will focus on understanding the reading in depth, exploring historical context, looking for themes and discussing their implications.
Media Literacy in the Post-Truth Era
In this course, students will develop skills to help them cut through the algorithms and find more balanced, truthful sources of information. Through the analysis of various forms of digital content, secondary readings, and in-class discussions, students will learn to recognize and distinguish between misinformation (unintentional mistakes), disinformation (fabricated or deliberately manipulated content designed to fuel conspiracy theories or rumors), and malinformation (information published solely for personal or corporate interest).
"Questioning Questions": Learning through research experiments in Physics
In this class we'll introduce you to physics through the lens of experiments, as we aim to study how things work in order to make accurate predictions about the world around us. We'll practice systematic approaches to collecting data and analyzing patterns by conducting fun experiments and documenting our inferences through multiple lab reports.
Scholars thrive as a result of their real-time interactions with instructors and other students. The SMSSP virtual classroom brings scholars together across states and regions in lively discussions.
Summer Course and Academic Year Meetings
Scholars enroll in one three-week summer course in July. From mid-August through March, Scholars meet weekly covering topics such as academic writing, time-management, math enrichment, and study skills.
65% of Stanford OHS instructors hold Ph.D.'s in their fields. Stanford OHS instructors work closely with Scholars to help them reach their full academic potential, and introduce them to the professional methods, skills, and intellectual habits of different academic disciplines.
Tuition Free
Stanford Middle School Scholars Program is tuition-free. We aim to increase access and opportunity for aspiring low-income students.
The program’s summer courses and academic year meetings will have approximately 12 students. Our engaging learning community fosters connection with like-minded peers, instructors, and guest speakers.
Supporting Your School
Collaboration between program staff, instructors, and families is essential to students' success. Parents and legal guardians attend at least one conference with program staff, and are invited to attend parent and legal guardian outreach events.
The program serves low-income students in grades 6 or 7 who reside in and attend school in the United States.
In addition to the online application form, a complete application includes:
Academic Records
We require unofficial transcripts for each school or academic program from which you earned grades (such as letter or numerical grades) from Fall 2020 through Fall 2022. If you have multiple grade reports from one school, rather than one transcript from that school, please combine that into a single file for upload. Homeschooled applicants should submit a document similar to a transcript with their coursework from the years listed above. Homeschooled students should also submit transcripts from any graded courses they took with a school or program during this period.
Teacher Recommendation
We require one (1) online recommendation form to be included with your application. This recommendation should come from a history, social science, English/language arts, science, math, engineering, or computer science teacher. You may submit a second, optional, recommendation form from a counselor, principal, or mentor (which can include another teacher). Be sure to ask your recommenders if they are willing to submit this form for you and then add the teacher(s) to your application early, as this step will email them the online form.
No application fee is required.
Our application for the 2023-2024 Stanford Middle School Scholars Program is now closed. To learn about future opportunities, please join our mailing list.
Stanford Middle School Scholars Program is tuition-free. We aim to provide low-income middle school students with access to leading instructors, and the opportunity to build skills that prepare them to apply to and succeed in academically-rigorous high schools.
Financial Aid
No financial aid is available. (Program is free)

Application is closed
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