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SIG Online offers students innovative, online courses in STEAM+ from the comfort of their own learning environment. Each online session is a two-week program that blends together instructor-led activity, collaboration with peers, interactive learning, and asynchronous studies just like in the classroom. Online courses can be added on to your student's on-campus program.

SIG Online offers students innovative, online courses in STEAM+ (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math, and Humanities) from the comfort of their own learning environment. Each online session is a two-week program that blends together instructor-led activity, collaboration with peers, interactive learning, and asynchronous studies. Instructors are available for students just like they would be in the classroom and students will access all course materials through Canvas, the leading learning management system in higher education.
Online courses can be added on to your student's on-campus program, or use it as a great way to fit in some summer learning if you have a packed summer and can't attend a residential program. Shape your summer your way with the help of SIG Online!
The Exclusive SIG Learning Outcome
At the end of each program, students work towards the creation of a culminating product. The online SIG experience is no exception!
This product allows students to participate in independent studies in an area of interest that help them create a course-specific innovative, real-world application or solution through an original product. The goal is for students to utilize research and inquiry skills to create innovative products to unanswered questions in their field of interest.
Course Highlights
• Discrete Mathematics
• The Eloquent Orator: Leave Them Speechless!
• Bionic Humans: Artificial Organs to the Rescue
• Biotechnology Engineering: Advancements and Ethics
• Smart Cities: Reimagining Urban Infrastructures
• Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling
We're Here to Support You
Before each session, our staff is available for hands-on orientation and at the ready to answer any questions students may have before classes begin. Here is what you can expect for each session:
Student Orientation
The week before classes begin, enrolled students will be able to log in to their Canvas portal. Any login difficulties can be addressed immediately. Once logged in, students have access to the instructor bio, the syllabus for the course, course supply needs, set up their notifications, engage with classmates asynchronously, and ensure their technology is compatible for the first day/week of synchronous class meetings. By allowing students a whole week to prepare, we can ensure that everyone starts on the same page, and students can focus on the engaging course content prepared by course instructors.
Parent Orientation
Prior to classes starting, parents are invited to attend a live, virtual orientation session with the SIG Online Central staff. The Parent Orientation provides information about the program and shares ways to help students for SIG Online coursework followed by a Q & A session. Parents will receive information regarding course structure/content, needed supplies, instruction methods, portal navigation, best practices with time management, and how to best support their student throughout the 2 weeks. Below, please find the Parent Orientation dates for each SIG Online session:
Session 2: Thursday, July 7th 5-6pm EST
Session 3: Thursday, July 28th 5-6pm EST
Program Details
Here's some helpful information to help you shape your summer with SIG Online:
• Each program will last 2 weeks with a live orientation before the first day of class.
• The week before each session begins, students and families will be able to connect with a live specialist to help get the course set-up and have questions answered.
• Students will spend 8 hours total on live, synchronous learning and up to 10 hours per week on independent assignments that will culminate in a final product for the course.
• Class sessions are 1 hour daily from Monday - Thursday and are scheduled between 11:00am EST and 7:00pm EST.
• Course supplies are required for specific courses and range from $25-$75 in addition to course tuition. Students are expected to secure supplies prior to the program start for course learning.
Why Choose SIG
The Exclusive SIG Curriculum
The SIG STEAM+ curriculum focuses on applying creative thinking across multiple disciplines. Through an innovative curriculum that spans all facets of STEAM, plus humanities and fitness, SIG challenges students to utilize knowledge of different disciplines to propose creative solutions. At SIG, we encourage students to explore their interests while introducing them to new and intriguing topics. Students gain strong research and creative problem-solving skills vital to college and professional careers.
Problem-Based Learning
Classes focus on discovering innovative solutions to real-world problems. Students learn collaboration through working with like-minded peers to find creative solutions. Problem-based learning helps students embrace self-directed learning.
At SIG, students are encouraged to draw upon their existing knowledge in various STEAM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and the humanities to find productive solutions to authentic real-world challenges. Gifted students often exhibit extraordinary conceptual thinking and thrive in an environment that allows them to combine reasoning with imagination without the restraints of sticking to a single academic discipline.
When faced with open-ended problems in SIG classes, students have the flexibility to explore their interests while gaining exposure to new topics. Due to our small classes, low teacher-student ratio, and teaching assistants, we are able to individualize the program for each and every student.
Programming for the Whole Person
SIG combines challenging academics with social, cultural, and recreational opportunities to nurture students' social skills as well as their natural talents. SIG students gain life-long friendships through meeting like-minded peers who are accepting and encouraging.
Diverse Student Body
SIG welcomes all gifted, talented and creative students from across the globe and celebrates the enrichment provided by diversity of thought and culture.
Variety of Programs
SIG offers on-site and online summer programs. We offer 2 and 3 weeks in length programs including Residential, Day, and Day + Evenings and Saturdays. All online programs focus on SIG’s STEAM+ curriculum through virtual instruction and engagement.
Grade level: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Ages: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Domestic Students
Choose documentation for ONE option below to upload with the SIG Application in the application portal.
• Nationally normed testing scores at the 95th percentile on intellectual, achievement, or creativity within the last 5 school years (ACT/ SAT, CogAT, CSI, CAP, DAT etc.)
• A SIG recommendation form completed by the student's parent. When you enter a parent's email address on the application, an email will be automatically sent to the parent to request a recommendation.
• Accepted into a gifted program or gifted school or participation in a talent search or participation in a comparable alternative gifted summer enrichment program within the last 5 years.
Students will also be asked about:
• Current GPA
• Counselor/Advisor email
• Parent/Guardian email (if choosing parent recommendation)
All students are required to pay $100 non-refundable application processing fee.
International Students
International students need to meet domestic eligibility plus a high level of English language proficiency to integrate successfully into the SIG academic program. A video interview may be required.
English Proficiency Standards: Choose ONE form of documentation listed below to upload with the SIG application in addition to the domestic eligibility requirements.
1. English Proficiency Standard Eligibility Options:
• Ages 6- to 17- years old:
A or B in an English Course or Subject Student must provide a report card or school transcript documentation of an A or B in an English course in at least one marking period for the current grade level.
Letter of Recommendation from English/Language Arts/Reading Educator Student must provide a letter of recommendation from an English/Language Arts/Reading subject-area educator which provides information about level of English language proficiency. *Note: If domestic eligibility includes an English/Language Arts/Reading educator recommendation that meets SIG eligibility, English Language Proficiency is met for the international student.
2. Alternate Options to Demonstrated English Language Proficiency:
• Ages 11 years old and above:
TOEFL-Junior: Overall score of 4 or higher (B1 or B2 for all sections)
• Ages 13 years old and above:
Duolingo Score: Total score of 105 or higher.
TOEFL-iBT: Total score of 90 or higher on the online test
TOEFL-CBT: Total score of 233 or higher on the online test
IELTS (16 years or above): Total score of 6.5 or higher.
SIG Online Summer 2022 - Middle and High School Enrollment Deadlines:
• Session 2 (Start Date July 11): Tuesday, July 5
• Session 3 (Start Date August 1): Monday, July 25
$100 Application Fee due at application.
Financial Aid
SIG partners with organizations that award almost $200,000 in scholarships to deserving students annually. Scholarship assistance to students and their families is provided in several ways.

Application is closed
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