Application is closed
The Iowa Young Writers’ Studio offers young high school-age creative writers from accross the country and the world an opportunity to study with some of the finest writers and teachers in the country and improve their writing. The program is often regarded to as a paradise for writers. Students may select a core course in fiction, poetry, creative writing, TV writing or playwriting.

Every summer we offer both in-person and online versions of the 2-week Summer Residential Program. Students at the Summer Residential Program will spend 2 weeks deeply immersed in the art and craft of creative writing. Each student will take one core course for the duration of the session. The core courses are taught by graduates of the renowned Iowa Writers' Workshop. Students may select a core course in fiction writing, poetry writing, or creative writing (which includes some combination of fiction, poetry, and personal essay). We also offer core courses in TV writing and playwriting. Students will share their writing with teachers and peers, receive constructive critique, and participate in writing exercises and activities. To supplement the core courses, we'll also offer readings by exciting published writers; workshops on process and aspects of craft; discussions on writing-adjacent subjects (literary translation, film, revision, mental health); collaborative projects to allow small groups of students to work together; as well as open mics, talent shows, icebreakers, and social gatherings designed to give students the opportunity to connect with one another.
The in-person version of the Summer Residential Program will take place in Iowa City, Iowa on the University of Iowa campus.
The online version of the Summer Residential Program will take place on CANVAS and/or Zoom and may or may not include live class sessions. The online Summer Residential Program will require 3-4 hours of mandatory engagement per week day.
The seminar and workshop are the most important parts of a student’s day, but there’s a lot more to the Studio experience. We walk a careful line between giving our students enough structured events during which to learn from their teachers and counselors and from each other—seminars, workshops, readings, activities—and giving students the free time they need to write.
Morning Reports
Each day begins with Morning Reports, a meeting at which the entire program is assembled (students & staff) and whose purpose is to make sure everyone is up to speed and in sync. We make announcements, alert students to upcoming events, answer questions, and conduct other Studio business.
After Morning Reports we have Stretch, a group writing exercise led by a faculty member. Stretch isn’t a somber grind; it’s an engaging and entertaining activity, and gets your brain loose and limber for the writing day.
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, you’ll join a different group of students for Observatories. Observatories are writing exercises, usually outdoors, built around the idea that to describe the world you have to observe it. Nothing, not even imagination, can achieve the level of specificity you get when you observe. Observatories are designed to help you see—to open your eyes and attention to the world around you—and to use this seeing in your writing. You’ll also get a chance to work with a teacher you haven’t worked with before.
We accept applications to the Summer Residential Program (in-person and online versions) from students who are currently in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade. 9th graders may apply; in rare cases we will admit an exceptionally talented and mature student. Nearly all students who attend the Studio have just completed their sophomore, junior, or senior years by the time the program begins. We welcome applications from students outside the United States.
Applications to the Summer Residential Program must submit the following 3 items:
1 - Writing sample
*If you want to study fiction, poetry, or creative writing during your time at the Studio, your sample should consist of not more than ten pages of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction/essay, or any combination of the three. We are looking for writing that is vivid and interesting. For fiction, the sample may consist of a short story, part of a short story, several very short stories/pieces, or part of something longer (i.e. a novel or novella). The same applies for poetry and creative non-fiction/essay -- whole works or parts of works are acceptable. (Bear in mind, however, that parts of works should not be so small, fragmentary and/or isolated as to be incoherent. Meaning: please don't send ten pages of fragments of sonnets). Writing samples do not have to be in the same genre as the course you want to take, though we recommend that you apply with your strongest work, whether that be fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, or some combination of the three. The writing sample should be typed and double-spaced (poems do not need to be double-spaced, and multiple poems can appear on a page) and should be submitted as either a Microsoft Word or PDF file.
*If you want to study TV writing (Writers' Room) during your time at the Studio, your sample should consist of: 1) a piece of dramatic writing (part of a script or play) not more than 5 pages; 2) the answer to the question, What is your favorite TV series and why? (not more than 2 pages); 3) the answer to the question, What is your favorite episode of that TV series and why? (not more than 3 pages). Your entire writing sample should not be more than 10 pages. In the dramatic writing sample, we are looking for writing that is vivid and interesting. In the answers to the questions about your favorite TV series and episode, we want to know what artistic aspects (narrative arc, suspense, characterization, atmosphere--whatever) you appreciate as a writer. The dramatic writing portion of the sample should be typed and spaced as you wish. The answers to the series/episode questions should be typed and double-spaced. The sample should be submitted as either a Microsoft Word or PDF file.
*If you want to study playwriting during your time at the Studio, your sample should consist of: 1) a piece of dramatic writing (part of a play) not more than 5 pages; 2) the answer to the question, What is your favorite play and why? (not more than 2 pages); 3) the answer to the question, What is your favorite act or scene of that play and why? (not more than 3 pages). Your entire writing sample should not be more than 10 pages. In the dramatic writing sample, we are looking for writing that is vivid and interesting. In the answers to the questions about your favorite play and act/scene, we want to know what artistic aspects (narrative arc, suspense, characterization, atmosphere--whatever) you appreciate as a writer. The dramatic writing portion of the sample should be typed and spaced as you wish. The answers to the play and act/scene questions should be typed and double-spaced. The sample should be submitted as either a Microsoft Word or PDF file.
2 - Statement of purpose
In 1-2 pages, tell us why you want to participate in the Studio and what you hope to accomplish here. You may want to discuss your writing sample or talk about writers or works that you admire. This is a chance for us to get to know you a little bit from your own words. The statement of purpose should be typed and double-spaced and should be submitted as either a Microsoft Word or PDF file.
3 - Letter of recommendation
Your letter of recommendation should be from an English teacher or other writing instructor/tutor/mentor who is familiar with your writing. You must ask your recommender to write and upload your letter. Guidelines for recommenders can be found here. The letter of recommendation should be uploaded to Submittable as either a read-only Microsoft Word or PDF file. Please do not submit more than one letter of recommendation.
Applications for the 2024 Summer Residential Program will be accepted via Submittable, an online submissions manager, during a two-week Application Period in January and February, 2024. We will begin accepting application materials via Submittable at 1:00 AM (Central Time) Monday, January 22, 2024 and stop accepting application materials at 11:59 PM (Central Time) Sunday, February 4, 2024. Application materials will not be accepted before or after the Application Period.
The cost of one 2-week in-person session of the 2024 Summer Residential Program will be $2,500. This fee includes room and board, instruction and materials for your core course, and access to all extracurricular camp events (readings, workshops, discussions, writing activities, open mics, talent shows, social gatherings, etc). Students accepted into an in-person session must pay the $2,500 fee, register, and enroll in their course by May 15, 2024. If you cancel or withdraw before June 1, 2024 a $100 cancellation fee will be deducted from your refund. Thereafter no refunds are available.
The cost of one 2-week online session of the 2024 Summer Residential Program will be $575. This fee includes instruction and materials for your core course and access to most extracurricular camp events (readings, workshops, discussions, writing activities, open mics, talent shows, social gatherings, etc). Students accepted into an online session must pay the $575 fee, register, and enroll in their course by May 15, 2024. If you cancel or withdraw before June 1, 2024 a $50 cancellation fee will be deducted from your refund. Thereafter no refunds are available.
There is a $10 reading fee to apply to the 2024 Summer Residential Program. The fee can be paid in Submittable during the application process. The reading fee goes directly to the highly-qualified writers--students and graduates of the Iowa Writers' Workshop--who read and evaluate the writing samples. These writers read with great attention and care, and we believe in compensating them for their work. However, we do not want the fee to be an impediment to any applicant, and are happy to waive the fee without penalty for students who are unable to pay. The online application will give you the option of bypassing the fee.
Financial Aid
There is financial aid available for applicants who meet our need-based requirements. Every year we are able to grant several full tuition grants and several partial tuition grants. Accepted students will be asked to fill out a financial aid application and awards will be made in the spring. We encourage all interested students to apply!

Application is closed
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