Application is closed
The UCLA Summer College Immersion Program provides high school students with an oppourtunity to experience an introduction to college life while studying their chosen course alongside UCLA undergraduates.

Designed to emulate the undergraduate experience, SCIP provides students access to a broad range of UCLA’s academic expertise and resources through lectures, workshops, and seminars, as well as UCLA coursework. SCIP’s co-curricular components are specifically curated to empower students to gain balance and thrive as they embark on their college journey.
Successful participants will earn college credit, a certificate of completion, and the skills to successfully manage college applications, academics, and university life.
On campus housing is strongly encouraged to experience college life on our beautiful campus. Participants are housed in our UCLA residential community, the Hill, conveniently located within easy walking distance of classrooms, libraries, sports facilities, and more!
If you choose to not stay in on-campus housing, you may update your preference to commuter on the questionnaire by May 22; no changes to housing preferences are accepted after this date.
Housing fees will be added to BruinBill on May 23. Students will be emailed once the housing fee is posted.
The residential plan features two meals a day (breakfast and dinner) in our award-winning UCLA dining halls.
SCIP students may choose 1-2 Approved Courses in Session A6 that do NOT conflict with the program’s mandatory co-curriculars from 3:30-4:30pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
It is the student’s responsibility to confirm the course they are enrolling in is approved, available, and does not have any time conflicts. Some of the courses on this list may currently be full/closed or waitlisted.
Due to changes in course modality, if you are interested in taking a class from the below list that is indicated as online, you MUST enroll in a second class that is approved and in-person. If you wish to only enroll in one course, it must be in-person.
Some courses will have a Lecture (Lec) online and a Discussion/Lab (Dis/Lab) in person or vice versa; please check if there is an arrow to the left of Lec to view any applicable Dis/Lab. For those courses, you should enroll in the discussion/lab first which automatically enrolls you in the lecture.
International students in SCIP+ who require a visa will need to be enrolled in 6+ in-person Session A6 courses to meet the eligibility for an F-1 visa, required for study.
SCIP is designed for academically advanced high school students who will soon embark on their journey to college. To be considered, applicants must meet the following requirements:
1 - Enrolled in Grades 10-11 as of Spring 2023;
2 - Minimum 3.5 GPA or equivalent (unweighted) at the time of application;
3 - Proof of English proficiency for students who require a visa (see Application Requirements).
Admission to SCIP is highly competitive. Meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission.
UCLA Summer Sessions Registration Form for SCIP:
1 - Unofficial Transcript
A copy of your full and completed high school transcript is required (9th grade to present). If the original transcript is in a language other than English, an English language translation of the transcript must be provided in addition to a copy of the original transcript. Report cards or enrollment verifications are NOT considered. If you have attended multiple high schools, please combine the transcripts for each school into one PDF file.
2 - Resume of Extracurricular Activities
Your resume can include extracurricular activities that speak to who you are and what you are passionate about such as school clubs and programs, work experience, leadership roles, awards, and recognitions, etc. Please be sure to provide a description and timeline of each activity and the level of your involvement; do not simply list activities.
3 - Statement of Purpose (~500 words)
The Statement of Purpose is an opportunity to provide the review committee with a snapshot of who you are, why you are applying, and/or how you may benefit from SCIP, responding to ONE of the following prompts:
- Provide a brief summary of your personal, academic, and/or professional goals and how SCIP would help you in your pursuit of said goals; OR
- Tell us how your community, family, and/or culture has shaped you into the person you are today.
The statement should be submitted in a PDF or Word file format.
4 - International Students:
*Unit Requirement
In order to achieve full-time student status, international students who will be on campus for the summer must:
Enroll in at least the same number of in-person units as the number of weeks in a session, e.g., minimum 6 units if enrolling in Session A6; online courses are NOT allowed)
*Proof of English Proficiency
International students who are attending a high school outside of the U.S. are required to submit proof of English proficiency unless they are citizens of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, or the United Kingdom.
Students who are currently enrolled in a high school where the primary language of instruction is English or who are International Baccalaureates (IB) students, may submit a verification of enrollment from their school as proof of English proficiency.
The Application Deadline of May 1 (5pm PDT) has passed.
We are no longer accepting applications for Summer 2023.
The total amount assessed is calculated mainly based on how many units you are enrolled in, whether you select the residential plan or nonresidential plan, and if you are an international student subject to I-20 requirements. Below is a summary of fees that may apply:
Registration Fee: $350
SCIP Program Fee: $1600
SCIP Course Fees: $360 X Total Enrolled Units
Document Fee: $50
IEI Fee: $61
SCIP Residential Plan: $4,920
Financial Aid
A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available to qualified California* high school students for summer study at UCLA. Visit our Summer Scholars webpage for more information.
Additionally, some Precollege Summer Institutes offer departmental scholarships to qualified and selected high school students.
Out-of-State or International High School Students:
*UCLA financial aid is not available to visiting out-of-state high school students.

Application is closed
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